Guiding Principles for a New Industrial and Innovation Policy in Italy
Edited By Matteo Tranchero

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The Italian economy is plagued by structural deficiencies dating well before the current COVID-19 crisis. For too long a misguided rhetoric of “small is beautiful” and “we don’t need industrial policies” has blocked discussion and enactment of measures that could arrest Italy’s decline. And while the European Recovery Fund will provide a much-needed stimulus to investments and reforms, just using these resources without critically discussing a long-term vision for our country will likely result in yet another missed opportunity. This report outlines a few broad guiding principles for a new industrial and innovation policy, with the objective of starting the debate around which set of policies could be enacted in Italy to reverse its decline.

The principles outlined will touch upon several policy-relevant topics, such as entrepreneurship, management training, scientific missions, as well as innovation policies that move beyond the agnostic horizontal approach followed in the past couple of decades.

Matteo Tranchero è tra i vincitori della prima edizione del Premio Alessandro Pansa, fondo istituito nel 2019 per l’assegnazione di borse di studio nel campo delle discipline economiche e della sociologia del lavoro, in accordo con la famiglia del Professor Alessandro Pansa, in collaborazione con l’Università Luiss “Guido Carli” e la Scuola di Politiche. Con il sostegno di Leonardo Spa.

Conosci l’autore

Matteo Tranchero is a PhD Student in Management of Organizations interested in innovation studies. His research interests are at the intersection of Management and Economics, while also exploring perspectives coming from Sociology and Behavioral Sciences.

Autore/i: Matteo Tranchero
Editor: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
Luogo di edizione: Milano
Collana: Scenari
Tipo di materiale: Monografia
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