Descrizione dell’ebook
Are we facing a change of era? This is the question that opened the the 2019 edition of FeltrinelliCamp, entitled Rethinking capitalism: from globalization to humanization. Ten years of economic crisis urge to deal with the link between globalization and sustainability: is it a problematic dichotomy? The crisis has determined a step backwards in people’s living conditions, within a global context where economic relations, the availability of tools for managing them, the social equilibrium and means of production and consumption have completely transformed from the balance they had gradually found in the past decades.
Such as the previous one, this edition welcomed a hundred of carefully selected researchers, young scholars, activists and practitioners from many parts of the world for a two-day intensive workshop. This volume came out from this important work.
Edited by Andrea Califano, it contains, in addition to the thematic table reports, texts by Marcio Pochmann, Chiara Saraceno, Andrea Roventini, Pavan Sukhdev, Marta Santamaría Belda, Bruno Frère & Laurent Gardin.
Conosci il curatore
Andrea Califano is close to complete his PhD in macroeconomics and currently involved in research activities at Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, in the area of Globalization and Sustainability. He was responsible for the scientific programme and the invited speakers of FeltrinelliCamp 2019.