What is the Observatory on the future of the labour market?


The Observatory on the future of the labour market looks at the impact of the technological revolution and of socio-economic transformations on the world of labour. It fosters debate between the spheres of research, institutions and social partners on issues relating to industrial policies and governance of technological innovation, with a view to promoting development paradigms based on the collective interest. It favours the search for new protection measures for the redefinition of welfare and new forms of representation to promote the inclusion of different stakeholders in the decision-making process. It studies initiatives that enhance human capital in context and active policies that can render the labour market more inclusive.

Scientific Committee

Maurizio Ferrera, Università degli Studi di Milano
Anton Hemerijck, European University Institute
Alec Ross, Bologna Business School
Alain Supiot, Collège de France
Francesco Saraceno, Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques, Sciences Po
Renata Semenza, Università degli Studi di Milano
Franca Maino, Università degli Studi di Milano
Ivana Pais, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
Antonio Casilli, European Network on Digital Labour
Dominique Méda, Institut de Recherche Intérdisciplinaire en Sciences Sociales
Vincent Puig, Institut Recherche Innovation
Sebastiano Sabato, Osservatorio Sociale Europeo
Matteo Jessoula, Università degli Studi di Milano
Enzo Mingione, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Christian Iaione, LUISS Guido Carli

Network (main players)


INDL-International Network on Digital Labour, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Économiques-Sciences Po, Università degli Studi di Milano, INAPP-Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche, OCIS Osservatorio Internazionale per la Coesione e l’Inclusione Sociale, ETUI-European Trade Union Institute, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, WZB-Berlin Social Science
Center, LUISS Guido Carli.

Partecipants include:


Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2001

Jerry Kaplan, scientist, entrepreneur and innovator

Richard Sennett, Sociologist

Antonio Casilli, Télécom Paris

Julie Froud, University of Manchester

Alec Ross, Bologna Business School

Flagship activities in Italy


Forza Lavoro!

Public discussion on labour market conditions during the Covid crisis. What to do if you lose your job or, on the contrary, are forced to work overtime in an invasive encroachment of every part of your life? Is it still possible to guarantee rights and safeguards for workers within a scenario of ever-increasing atypical job descriptions?

Partecipants include: Richard Sennett, Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University; Chiara Saraceno, sociologist, Alleanza per l’Infanzia; Federico Parolotto, MIC – Mobility in Chain; Maurizio Landini, Secretary General CGIL; Reiner Hoffmann, Secretary-General DGB; Guy Standing, University of London; Livia Spera, European Transport Workers’ Federation. (2020)


Mind the Gap

After many years of absence from the public debate, work is once again a central issue: this cycle of sessions focuses in particular on four ‘voids’ that characterize the world of labour in Italy today: the technological gap; the gap between skills and work; the gender gap and the gap in protection and representation.

Partecipants include: David Card, University of Berkeley; Ana Marta Guillen Rodriguez, University of Oviedo Spagna; Michael Reich, University of California; Aboubakar Soumahoro, Trade-Unionist USB; Andrea Ichino, economist. (2021)


Jobless Society Lectures

A cycle of four talks to fix on those subjects and strategies that can influence the dynamics of the labour market today by calling on the State to take on a new public responsibility for the protection of citizens.

Partecipants include: Muhammed Yunus, economist and Nobel Peace Prize winner; Joan R. Rosés, London School of Economics; Emanuele Felice, London School of Economics; Gianfranco Viesti, Università degli Studi di Bari; Ellen K. Pao, Project Include; John Mikler, The University of Sydney; Bruno Palier, Sciences Po; Martin Laba, Simon Fraser University Vancouver. (2018, 2019)


Jobless Society Forum

Badly protected workers who find it hard to feel included in collective paths; trade unions that fail to represent those who don’t fit into classic types of representation; businesses that shy from making long-term investments. With such a jumbled scenario, it’s imperative that we rebuild the social pact: finding a centre of gravity around which to organize alliances for inclusive progress.

Partecipants include: Carl Benedikt Frey, Oxford Martin School; Robert Wade, London School of Economics and Political Science; Julie Froud, The Manchester University; Nicola Countouris, UCL London; Antonio A. Casilli, Paris Institute of Technology; Stefano Scarpetta, economist; Linda Laura Sabbadini, ISTAT; Carlo Calenda, ex-Minister for Economic Development. (2016, 2017, 2018/2019)


Unboxing AI

A three day international conference in collaboration with the International Network on Digital Labour to examine how machines and algorithms have changed human labour.

Partecipants include: Elinor Wahal, ENS Paris-Saclay; Paola Tubaro, Inria; Janine Berg, ILO; Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Magdalen College Oxford; Alessandro Delfanti, University of Toronto; Vicky Kluzik, Goethe University Frankfurt; Sarah T. Roberts, UCLA. (2020)


FeltrinelliCamp. Next Generation Labour

Work changes alongside technological innovation: major innovations transform the manner in which work is both organized and positioned, while digitalization modifies the role of the worker in production processes. But if left unchecked, this transformation can lead to new imbalances. A two-day work session with young researchers and practitioners from all over Europe debating this issue together with policy makers and international experts.

Partecipants include: Francesco Saraceno, Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques; Sarah Abdelnour, European Network on Digital Labor; Dominique Méda, University of Paris-Dauphine; Alberto Baban, Vice President Confindustria; Riccardo Sanna, Head of Development Policies, national CGIL branch. (2021)

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