Letter of the general Avezzana to lord Hardwick

Letter of the general Avezzana to lord Hardwick
Genoa 9′ April 1849.
You entered our port, with the ship under your command, and hearing
¦the Flag of an honourable and freindly nation, you were reeeived as
la freind, you reeeived the hospitaiity of the port and eity.
I 111 the struggle for liberty yon have taken side against the people, yon
have been active in your mmskeil for admee, you have in your person
thrown the shot over board from the battery of the people, you have
threatened to lire on said battery; you have hauled your ship into the
mole and placed her in a situation for action, in faet your ship is now ready
for tight with springs on tompions out. Hammocks in your tops and has
the appearanee of an enneiny and eontrary to the wish of the english people.
Now, sir, by siich conduci you have thrown yourself and ship under
your eommand without the pai! of honor; eircumstanees would warant
us to tire on you instantly, but as j wish to take no uni air advantage of
your imprudente I herebj inforni you that I will grant you until 6 o’ clock
to consider your course and if your ship is not then in a. peaceful attitude
a m «7 / ti
your ship at her anchors, a circiinstaiice which will teach your gouver-
neinent that when they * «rive the eommand of their national ships to men
of rmdi they should be also men of sense.
* I am, Sir, your lordship most Ob* Serv1
General Joseph ÀVEZZANA.
Commanding Her B Majesty ship