24-09-2021 15:00

September 24th – 3 pm to 5 pm

MEET-UP: local and migrant women on the challenges of integrating in Limburg

Migration comes in many different forms and is the personal story of millions of humans looking for a better home. However, numbers and statistics continue to have a strong influence on European migration policymaking, and stereotypes about migrants still dominate public debate.

On 24 September, Studio Europa Maastricht is organising a special event aimed at broadening the migration narrative in Europe. Women with and without migration backgrounds will come together to discuss their migration-related experiences in the Netherlands and Europe.

The event is dedicated to facilitating personal encounters and mutual understanding at a local level. The participants will address questions such as: What obstacles do foreign women face when settling in Dutch society? What opportunities already exist? What are the hopes of female migrants travelling to Europe? How can the local community provide further support?



Susanne Rutten, professor of Islamic family law in the Netherlands at Maastricht University.

Annemie Smeets, she works for Vluchtelingewerk in South Netherlands. She is team leader labor participation and project leader for the Women Empowerment workshops.

Szilvia Feherváric, she is involved in Refugee Project Maastricht, an initiative of The In Between – the ecumenical student community in Maastricht.

Julia Reinold, she is a doctoral researcher at the ITEM Institute of Maastricht University and is also a member of the research group on migration of UNU-MERIT.


Kirsten Paulus, L1 TV

EU-MED | International project

The project will bring about 11 public events across Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

> project EU-MED

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