22-01-2022 17:00
Ore: 17:00
Luogo: Ground Control - Paris

ita | eng

European Lab Winter Forum 2022


On Saturday, January 22, Arty Farty organizes European Lab Winter Forum 2022: the narrative of migrations, at Ground Control in Paris in the framework of the European cooperation EU-MED.

European Lab’s ambition is to bring together on a European scale, a generation of innovative and seminal cultural actors to involve them in a common reflection and commitment to imagine together the future of culture.

For its 6th edition in Paris, European Lab Winter forum is part of the dynamics of a week of programming dedicated to “Faces and paths of migration“. European Lab Winter forum mobilizes on two emergencies related to migration issues: climate and hospitality. Through discussions and artistic performances, this new edition of European Lab Winter forum proposes migration stories that can change the way we look at migration and trigger future transformations.

The event will take place from 5pm to 9pm on Saturday January 22th 2022.


Climate change, with its procession of natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, etc.), has become a major factor of migration in the world, generating tens of millions of “climate refugees“. This is the warning that François Gemenne, a specialist in the geopolitics of migration and the environment, and a member of the IPCC, the group of international experts responsible for assessing climate change, regularly issues.

Samuel Turpin, journalist and photographer, documents the effects of climate change on populations. For the exhibition Humans & Climate Change stories, he followed 12 families from Mali to Greenland for 10 years, forced to adapt to an environment that the climate is rapidly changing. Photographer and specialist in international migration policies, Sara Prestianni observes in particular the migrations in the Mediterranean area and the “hot spots” at the borders of Europe. Together, photographers and specialists will cross their views and approaches, both sensitive and expert, to shed light on the links between migration and climate disruption.

With: François Gemenne (researcher I FR), Sara Prestianni (EuroMed Rights I IT), Samuel Turpin (photographer I FR)

Moderation: Elena Maximin (Le Grand Continent I FR).

Panel discussion 2 : Artists in exile and solidarity of the cultural scene

Between rap, pop and afrobeat, Obi Bora, a Nigerian artist, sings the torments of an exile that never really ends. It was during a long migratory journey of ten years that led him from Nigeria to Mali, from Morocco to Spain or Italy, that Obi Bora discovered his vocation as a musician.

In France, many music actors, producers, tour managers, programmers, etc. have mobilized to accompany him in the expression of his art, to record his first album and to produce him on the stage of big festivals. Based on this journey, different actors in the music industry will explain the obstacles, doubts, and questions that they encounter in welcoming an artist in a situation of exile and in his or her professional integration.

From administrative, legal and artistic support to networking and social integration, these people mobilize skills sometimes outside their field of action to support these migrant and refugee artists.

With: Olivier Boccon-Gibod (Horizon I FR), Obi Bora (artist I NG), Thélo Maufroy (INFRA I FR), Claire Henocque (Tour Makers I FR).

Moderation: Anne-Caroline Jambaud (Arty Farty I FR).

Music show : Obi Bora

Obinna Igwe, also known as Obi Bora, is an artist with an unusual career path, and with a start as dazzling as the years that preceded his entry into the musical landscape were long and painful. For 10 years, he has lived in Europe, from camps to squats, from country to country, at the rhythm of expulsions. In his wanderings, he writes and records songs on a small computer that he never leaves. Prayers of the XXIst century, his tracks of a crazy freedom mix rap, soul, electro, afro pop… At the end of 2019, a musician living near the Lyon squat where Obi Bora lives meets him by chance, and the adventure begins. His first album, Black Prayers (released in September 2021), is a turbulent and fertile confluence where rap, electro and afro beat are in love, where the traumas of the long, grueling journey are remembered and freed, where the hopes of the survivor are expressed.


European Lab Winter Forum 2022 program here


pagina 117443\
22-01-2022 17:00
Luogo: Parigi, presso Ground Control

eng | ita

European Lab Winter Forum 2022

L’ambizione di European Lab è riunire una generazione di attori culturali innovativi e seminali a livello europeo per coinvolgerli in una riflessione e un impegno comuni per immaginare il futuro della cultura.

Per la sua 6a edizione a Parigi, European Lab Winter forum si inserisce nelle dinamiche della settimana dedicata a “Volti e percorsi della migrazione“. Il forum European Lab Winter si concentra su due emergenze legate alle questioni migratorie: clima e ospitalità.

Attraverso discussioni e performance artistiche, questa nuova edizione del forum European Lab Winter propone storie di migrazione che possono cambiare il modo in cui guardiamo alla migrazione e innescare trasformazioni future.

Il cambiamento climatico, con il suo susseguirsi di catastrofi naturali (inondazioni, uragani, ecc.), è diventato uno dei principali fattori di migrazione nel mondo, generando decine di milioni di “rifugiati climatici“. Questo è l’avvertimento che François Gemenne, specialista in geopolitica delle migrazioni e dell’ambiente, e membro dell’IPCC, il gruppo di esperti internazionali incaricato di valutare i cambiamenti climatici, lancia regolarmente.

Samuel Turpin, giornalista e fotografo, documenta gli effetti del cambiamento climatico sulle popolazioni. Per la mostra Humans & Climate Change stories ha seguito, per 10 anni, 12 famiglie dal Mali alla Groenlandia, costrette a migrare. Sara Prestianni, fotografa e specialista in politiche migratorie internazionali, si occupa in particolare delle migrazioni nell’area del Mediterraneo e degli “hotspot” ai confini dell’Europa. Insieme, fotografi e specialisti incroceranno i propri punti di vista e le proprie esperienze per far luce sui legami tra migrazioni e perturbazioni climatiche.

Con: François Gemenne (researcher I FR), Sara Prestianni (EuroMed Rights I IT), Samuel Turpin (photographer I FR)

Modera: Elena Maximin (Le Grand Continent I FR).

Panel discussion 2 : Artisti in esilio e solidarietà della scena culturale

Tra rap, pop e afrobeat, Obi Bora, artista nigeriano, canta i tormenti di un esilio che non finisce mai veramente. È durante un lungo viaggio migratorio di dieci anni, che lo ha portato dalla Nigeria al Mali, dal Marocco alla Spagna e all’Italia, che Obi Bora ha scoperto la sua vocazione di musicista.

In Francia, molti musicisti, produttori, tour manager, ecc. si sono mobilitati per aiutarlo nell’espressione della sua arte, per registrare il suo primo album e portarlo sui palchi dei grandi festival. Sulla scia di questo viaggio, vari attori dell’industria musicale spiegheranno gli ostacoli, i dubbi e le domande che accompagnano un artista rifugiato e la sua integrazione professionale.

Con: Olivier Boccon-Gibod (Horizon I FR), Obi Bora (artist I NG), Thélo Maufroy (INFRA I FR), Claire Henocque (Tour Makers I FR).

Modera: Anne-Caroline Jambaud (Arty Farty I FR)

Music show : Obi Bora


 Programma European Lab Winter Forum 2022


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