18-08-2021 18:00
Luogo: Palermo: Sant'Erasmo (Opening) | Marina (Visit of the boat) | Cantieri 
August 18th – 7 pm to 9 pm – Sant’Erasmo (Opening)
August 19th – AM and PM – Marina (Visit of the boat) 
August 19th – starting 4 PM – Cantieri 

Acqua come frontiera

Agora Europe will organize, on August 18th and 19th (World Humanitarian Day), a 2 days public event, in Palermo (Italy). It will provide the public with factual information on the southern Mediterranean migratory route; gather the opinions of the CSOs, NGOs doing sea rescue, the institutions and the citizens and migrants of Palermo and Sicily on migration and the EU policymaking. We aim to organise a large-scale summit bringing citizens, citizens movements and CSOs, and municipal administrators and mayors face to face. The event will focus on the themes of sea rescue, human mobility, integration, protection of oceans and climate refugees.

This event is organized within the framework of the Europe for citizens grant and is part of the project EU-MED “Migration through cross-border Exchange and intercultural Dialogue – broadening migration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean space”. EU-MED intends to help to defuse dangerous anti-migrant narratives by both promoting public debate on the topic and collecting bottom-up experiences from residents and migrants.


CSOs, NGOs doing sea rescue, citizens, scholars and migrants who have already confirmed their presence during this 2 days event:

Alessia Zecchini

Ambrogio Beccaria

Jasmine Lozelli (Ermenautica)

Kalypso Nicolaidis (University of Oxford)

Luca Marsaglia (Casa Congo and Global Fishing Watch)

Luca Casarini (Mediterranea)

Maurizia Giusti (Syusi Bladi)

Moni Ovadia

Naor Ben-Yehoyada (Columbia University)

Simone Camba (New Sardinia Sail)

Caterina Di Fazio (University of Maastricht)

Sara Prestianni (Euro-Med Human Rights Network)

Virginie Lefevre (Amel Association International)

Viola Malingri (Agora Europe)

Roberta Davino (Agora Europe)

Fausto Melluso (ARCI)

EU-MED | International project

The project will bring about 11 public events across Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands, organised by the different organisations; Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, S.O.S. Racismo Gipzukoa Asociacon, Studio Europa Maastricht, Association Arty Farty and Amel France.

> project EU-MED


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