A road to Europe \

Dialoghi sull’Europa
13/3/2019 | 18/3/2019 | 3/4/2019

Dialogues with the major protagonists of thought, literature and research about the European cultural project and its values, about the history of its institutions and the active citizenship practices defining the future of democracy and coexistence in Europe. Among participants, Piero Graglia, Massimo Mucchetti, Ada Colau, Giuseppe Sala.

Mai più fascismo: Worries and violence between history and present:

a) A cycle of three Masterclasses about the history of fascism and totalitarianism with Enzo Traverso, Antonio Scurati, Carlo Greppi 17/1/2019 | 23/3/2019
b) A round table with national and international scholars and professionals in the fields of culture, on the issue of nationalism-populism-euroscepticism and the involutions of politics in Europe
c) An installation of contemporary art and a reading of texts on the value of democratic freedoms from the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation heritage to critically reflect on the birth of Italian fascism, after 100 years (23rd March 1919) 23/3/2019

Democracy now! \

Democrazia minima
forum on the future of European democracy with Colin Crouch, Gloria De La Fuente, Nadia Urbinati, Stephanie Kelton and Giovanni Allegretti.

What is left/What is right
26/2/2019 | 12/3/2019
debates on Europeanism and anti-Europeanism to envision the future of Europe in view of the European Elections 2019, with Chantal Mouffe and Francis Fukuyama

People have the power
27/2/2019 | 6/3/2019
A cycle in collaboration with Matera European Capital of Culture 2019, about the dimension of partecipation, shared responsability, citizens direct engagement in civilian and political project and in new forms of collaborations with institution. Among partecipants, Yves Sintomer, Richard Ballamy, Giovanni Moro.


Imagine EU \

900, la Stagione dei Diritti
24/10/2018 – 24/5/2019
an exhibition on the history and the meaning of citizens’ strikes and protests that contributed to the defence and extension of individual and collective rights, in Europe and in the world.

2/2/2019 | 10/3/2019
Greek coreographers and dancers come to Italy with two performances on the themes of immigration, travelling and music as part of a collective European identity.

La città che partecipa (European Elections 26 May 2019)
On the last day of European Elections, a series of participatory workshop on street art that involves the community in creating their own urban installation, to convey the strength of citizen in shaping the future of Europe.

Becoming citizens \

Scuola di Cittadinanza Euopea Lab (Spinelli Prize 2017) and the online portal L’#europaè: a set of labs and teaching materials to build a shared language on citizenship and every individual’s contribution to the identity of Europe.

The children’s labs Isolachenonc’è on the importance of participation, diversity, trust and discovery.
15/12/2018 | 12/1/2019 | 9/2/2019 | 2/3/2019

La Fondazione ti consiglia