What is the Observatory on New Economies?
This observatory is dedicated to exploring exemplary experiences – on all scales – that outline new trajectories and new possibilities for economic and social development, in an approach that is able to tackle the multiple unsustainabilities that characterize contemporary development models. Experiments, new paradigms and innovative policies focusing on creating and reinvesting value within local communities, where these practices attempt to recover those living on society’s margins and promote social progress, closing the gap to curb the inequalities that increasingly determine unsustainable living conditions.
Scientific Committee
Enrica Chiappero, Università degli Studi di Pavia
Giovanni Carrosio, Università degli Studi di Trieste
Fabrizio Barca, Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità
Laura Iacovone, Università Statale di Milano
Stefania Paolazzi, Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana & Progetto RENA
Network (main players)
EURICSE, Forum Disuguaglianze Diversità, Kritica Economica, Collettivo per l’Economia Fondamentale, Institute for Innovation and Public Policy, UCL, MINTS, Università Bocconi, Sbilanciamoci!, Economiaepolitica, Fondazione Perseu Abramo, MADE, Università di San Paolo, CIEI, Università dell’Avana, IHAC, Università Federale di Bahia, Dipartimento SPS, Università di Milano, Center for Economic and Policy Research; Legambiente, Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana, Fondazione Comunità di Messina, Eticaeconomia.
Some of the participants:
Mariana Mazzucato, UCL-IIPP
Olivier Blanchard, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Paul De Grauwe, LSE
Manon Aubry, European Parliament
Daron Acemoglu, MIT Boston
Celso Amorim, diplomat
James Galbraith, University of Texas
Emiliano Brancaccio, Università del Sannio
Principal activities in Italy
There is NO Alternative
This series of meetings looks at the renewal of development policies for a more equitable and sustainable capitalism. Internationally renowned speakers will discuss urgently needed political reform highlighting constraints, critical points, alternate horizons and approaches, as well as possible actions for intervention.
Partecipants include: Francesco Saraceno, Sciences Po Paris; Thomas Piketty, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales; Kiran Klaus Patel, Royal Historical Society; Franco Bernabé, manager; Bruno Frère, Università di Liège; Carlo Borzaga, president Euricse. (2018/2019, 2020, 2021)
Transformative Economies
A two-day workshop held by over a hundred young researchers, professionals and activists selected through an international call for proposals, where group work sessions alternate with public moments to reflect on the main challenges posed by our current economic model. (2021)
European FeltrinelliCamp.
For a New Globalization
Innovative actors, policies and economies for moving towards a more equitable international system. The overall objective is to promote high-quality exchanges between young researchers and professionals coming from different scientific disciplinary backgrounds and geographical origins, to work on themes and projects related to economic and social innovation, shared economies and macroeconomic policies. (2021)